Version 1.08 (04/07) | Manual: CMOS Industrial Camera LOGLUX® i5 |
The configuration menu
The configuration window is subdivided into four panels.
At the top of the window is a 'Disconnect' button which is used to return to the IP hardware scan. When the button is clicked, all settings of the currently used camera are stored. To the right of the button is an option field 'Advanced features' which allows additional configuration tools to be used, e.g. the
The left side displays the tree structure of the
parameters of the selected LOGLUX® i5 CL camera and the IP hardware used
(framegrabber or FireWire™ ports). The parameter branches can be opened ([+]) and closed
After the selection of a parameter branch in the left half of the window (green arrow), the contents of the branch will be displayed in the right half of the window. All parameter settings are made here, with menus, selection fields, shifting bars (mouse etc. operation) or input fields (keyboard entries) being available for the purpose. The function of the selected parameter branch is displayed in the green heading block.
At the bottom of the window, to the right of the KWD logo, is a status indicator window for
Figure 10 : The configuration menurelevant output functions which is not permanently visible.
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