Version 1.08 (04/07)

Manual: CMOS Industrial Camera LOGLUX® i5


InterfaceLibrary: This is the name of the serial dynamic link library 'clser*.dll' of your framegrabber. If the library is not located in the installation folder of the configuration tool, the whole directory path must be specified.

MinPortId: This is the lowest supported CameraLinkport (tap) identifier; see the framegrabber manual.

MaxPortId: This is the highest supported CameraLinkport (tap) identifier, see the framegrabber manual.

Description: This is a freely chosen descriptor of the framegrabber used for identification purposes in the LuxWare configuration tool.

Example (CameraLinkframegrabber MVtitan-CL made by Matrix Vision):


InterfaceLibrary=clsermv.dllMinPortId=0MaxPortId=1 Description=MVTitan_CL

Using software-supported framegrabbers on the serial COM port of the LOGLUX® i5 CL camera

For a very safe and very fast communication between the host system (PC/IPC) and camera, the

serial COM port of the LOGLUX® i5 CL camera is recommended to be used. However, it is a prerequisite that the CameraLinkframegrabber is supported by the LuxWare configuration tool.

An additional 9-pole null modem cable (RS-232 port of the split adapter cable) is here required to connect the camera to a vacant RS-232 (COM) port of the host system (PC/IPC).

Furthermore, the INI file 'LuxConfig.ini', which is found in the same directory as the configuration software, needs to be modified as follows (with a simple text editor), and the following lines have to be added:

[PortMapping] <Grabber>Tap<Id>=<COM-Port>


Grabber stands for one of the supported framegrabbers.

Tap<Id> stands for the used framegrabber CameraLinkport (on the MVtitan-CL of Fa. Matrix Vision this is, for example, '0' or '1').

COM port stands for the used RS-232 (COM) port of the host system (PC/IPC).

Example (CameraLinkport 1 of the MVtitan-CL is 'mapped' with the COM1 port):


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