Manual: CMOS Industrial Camera LOGLUX® i5

Version 1.08 (04/07)


PROFILE_TRGRATE The register specifies the rate, or frequency, of framegrabbing (in Hz, or snapshots per second) after triggering for a sequence of snapshots or a continuous "snapshot" (video). Where the readout speed of an image is sufficiently low, the actual image rate corresponds to the framegrabbing rate, with the following condition having to be satisfied:


Otherwise, the framegrabbing rate is limited in dependence of the readout speed to the maximum possible framegrabbing rate value.



w $108#30;Image rate is 30 Hz


This register


the framegrabbing mode of the camera triggering


system. A single snapshot, sequence of snapshots or video can be generated


upon triggering.





w $10A


;Trigger for single snapshot


Register PROFILE_TMMODE activates one of the available LUT functions


serving the link-up with the incoming image data:

The image data are subtracted from the constant 1024 which results in an inversion of the image data.

The image data are shifted to the right bit by bit (by n bits). Zeros are inserted at the most significant bits (MSB), the lowest significant bits (LSB) get lost.

The image data are subtracted from the constant 1024 which results in an inversion of the image data. Simultaneously, the image data are shifted to the right bit by bit (by n bits). Zeros are inserted at the most significant bits (MSB), the lowest significant bits (LSB) get lost.

The image data are shifted to the left bit by bit (by n bits). Zeros are inserted at the lowest significant bits (MSB), the most significant bits (LSB) get lost.

The image data are subtracted from the constant 1024 which results in an inversion of the image data. Simultaneously, the image data are shifted to the left bit by bit (by n bits). Zeros are inserted at the lowest significant bits (MSB), the most significant bits (LSB) get lost.

A test image is displayed. The region of interest is subdivided into fixed- size squares, and each square is filled with a graduated greyscale extending from top left to bottom right.

LUT’s ‚User LUT 1‘ to ‚User LUT 3‘ can be filled with user-specific function values (see „Function group ‚LUT programming‘“).


w $10C $0601;User LUT 1 is selected



This register describes the source of switchport signal 0 or 1. A switchport signal may be generated by the trigger module upon the event ‚Trigger‘, ‚Start of Integration‘ (SOI) or ‚End of Integration‘ (EOI), or due to a rising slope of

signal CC2 or CC3 (camera control 2/3) via the CameraLinkinterface. Note: Events SOI and EOI will not occur in the rolling shutter mode as there is no controlled integration time and, consequentially, no configured switchport activities.

Example: w $10E #6 ;Switchport 0 upon event Reg.


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