Manual: CMOS Industrial Camera LOGLUX® i5 | Version 1.08 (04/07) |
with the plus sign identifying a message, mask byte allocating the message priority (see the description of CONFIG_MSGMASK in function group 'Camera configuration' in the next chapter), and String being the text of the message.
Example: +$40 frame errorA response to the command will always end with a status line of the following format:
ERRwith VAL containing the optional command return value, OK meaning no error, and ERR meaning an error has occurred during command execution.
Description of the LOGLUX® i5 CL register set
The functions of the configuration registers of the CMOS industrial camera LOGLUX® i5 CL are chronologically ordered by function groups which are described below.
Function group ‚Camera configuration‘This function group serves the basic configuration of the camera with regard to the baud rate and format of the configuration data, and the setting of the working profile of the camera.
Register | Address | Format | Description | Value range | Meaning | Default |
| no user access |
CONFIG_BAUDRATE | $02 | 1 byte | RS232 baud rate selection | 12 | 115200 baud | #1 |
| 1 | 9600 baud |
CONFIG_EOLTYPE | $03 | 1 byte | Line break type | 0 | $0D0A (CRNL) | #1 |
| 1 | $0D (CR) |
| 2 | $0A0D (NLCR) |
| 3 | $0A (NL) |
| 4 | $00 (NULL) |
CONFIG_VERIFY | $04 | 1 byte | Hardware write verification | $00 | none | $FF |
| $01 | EEPROM |
| $FF | all messages |
CONFIG_MSGMASK | $05 | 1 byte | Message mask | $00 | no message | $F0 |
| $01 | debug messages only |
| $02 | information only |
| $03 | all information |
| $10 | log error only |
| $20 | host interface error only |
| $40 | RS232 error only |
| $80 | hardware error only |
| $F0 | all errors |
| $FF | all messages |
CONFIG_PROFILE | $06 | 1 byte | Working profile of sensor | 1 ... 4 | profiles 1 ... 4 | #1 |
CONFIG_DESCRIPION | $20 ... | 32 bytes | Camera description | ASCII character |
| Camera_SN |
| $3F |
| set |
Table 3 : Registers of the function group 'Camera configuration'
CONFIG_BAUDRATE The register specifies the baud rate for communication via the
Example: | w $02 #12 ;baudrate 115kBaud |
KAMERA WERK DRESDEN GmbH | Page 29 of 46 |