Version 1.08 (04/07)

Manual: CMOS Industrial Camera LOGLUX® i5


The 'Profile globals' menu

The menu is used for renaming the selected camera profile, initializing the selected profile with one of the factory settings, or copying all parameters of a profile to the selected profile.

The user can change the name of the selected profile in the 'Profile Name' input field. All upper-case and lower-case letters and numerals as well as the separating character '_' are available for the purpose. The new name will be valid, and the respective entry in the tree structure updated, immediately upon leaving the input field. The profile name may have up to 32 digit positions

The 'Init profile' option allows the user to initialize the selected profile with one of the factory-set profiles. It should be noted here that all settings of the chosen profile are overwritten!

This option is ideal for user-specific optimization purposes as suitable profile parameters have already been pre-set for up to four applications.

In 'Load profile', the user can load the selected profile with all parameters of another profile. It should be noted that settings of the selected profile get lost!

This option is ideal for copying profiles of identical contents.

Both options are activated by clicking button 'Init now' and 'Load now', respectively.

In panel 'Profile backup', the user can store the active program in a backup file (.INI file) or restore it from a backup file (.INI file). Optionally, a backup file may also be stored in a script file which can be called up in the builtin terminal program by the restore function.

Figure 12 : The 'Profile globals' menu

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