Pickles con eneldo y ajo especiado


Rinde 8 frascos de una pinta


(½ L)


CONSEJO: Para que los pickles


estén más picantes, corte en


rodajas dos jalapeños con el disco


rebanador regulable y coloque


1 a 2 rodajas en cada frasco.


Cuantas más semillas agregue,


más picantes serán los pickles.

8 dientes de ajo pelados

8cucharaditas de semillas de eneldo

4cucharaditas de pimienta negra

4cucharaditas de pimiento rojo molido

4cucharaditas de semillas de mostaza

2cucharaditas de semillas de apio

¼cebolla blanca grande, pelada

5 pepinos grandes sin semillas

4cucharadas de azúcar granulada

4 cucharadas de sal kosher

4tazas de vinagre de sidra de manzana

4 tazas de agua

En cada frasco de 8 pintas, coloque

1 diente de ajo, 1 cucharadita de semillas de eneldo, ½ cucharadita de pimienta negra,

½cucharadita de pimiento rojo molido,

½cucharadita de semillas de mostaza y ¼ cucharadita de semillas de apio.

Coloque el disco rebanador regulable en el accesorio procesador de alimentos KitchenAid® y deslice la palanca externa hasta la 4.a muesca. Coloque la cebolla en el tubo de alimentación grande y rebane a baja velocidad. Retire la cebolla y coloque 5 a 6 rodajas en el fondo de cada frasco.

Deslice la palanca externa hasta la 6.a muesca. Pase los pepinos por el tubo de alimentación grande para rebanar. Retire los pepinos y llene cada frasco de manera pareja con las rodajas y empaque según fuera necesario.

En una cacerola grande, mezcle el azúcar, la sal, el vinagre de sidra y el agua y ponga todo a hervir, revolviendo ocasionalmente para ayudarle a disolver el azúcar y la sal. Retire del fuego y vierta 1 a 1¼ tazas de salmuera sobre los contenidos de cada frasco, dejando un espacio de ½ pulgada (1,27 cm) en la parte superior.

Asegure las tapas y deje enfriar los frascos a temperatura ambiente antes de refrigerar. Refrigere durante 48 horas antes de servir.


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KitchenAid KSM1FPA Pickles con eneldo y ajo especiado, Discos, Utilizados, ½ L, ½ cucharadita de pimiento rojo molido

KSM1FPA, KSM2FPA specifications

The KitchenAid stand mixers have become a staple in kitchens worldwide, revered for their versatility and robust construction. Two remarkable attachments designed specifically for these mixers are the KSM2FPA Food Processor Attachment and the KSM1FPA Fruit and Vegetable Strainer Attachment. These tools significantly enhance the capability of KitchenAid stand mixers, transforming them into multifaceted kitchen powerhouses.

The KSM2FPA Food Processor Attachment epitomizes innovation and efficiency. This versatile tool allows users to chop, slice, shred, and dice a variety of ingredients with remarkable precision. Equipped with an array of stainless steel blade options and a wide feed tube, it accommodates whole fruits and vegetables, reducing preparation time to a minimum. The attachment's design ensures that food pieces are processed uniformly, enhancing the overall cooking experience. Additionally, its compatibility with most KitchenAid stand mixers means users can seamlessly incorporate it into their existing set-up without the need for extra gadgets cluttering the countertop.

On the other hand, the KSM1FPA Fruit and Vegetable Strainer Attachment focuses on the preparation of purées, sauces, and juices. This attachment features a powerful straining mechanism that separates seeds and skins from the edible portions of fruits and vegetables, ensuring a smooth texture in sauces and purées. This is particularly beneficial for making homemade tomato sauce or apple sauce, capitalizing on the fresh flavors of seasonal produce. One of its standout features is the ease with which it can be disassembled and cleaned, a crucial aspect for home cooks who value convenience.

Both of these attachments boast high-quality construction, ensuring they can endure the demands of everyday cooking. Made with durable materials, they are designed to handle a range of food items, from soft fruits to tougher vegetables. Additionally, they are engineered for easy operation, making them accessible for users with varying levels of culinary expertise.

In conclusion, the KitchenAid KSM2FPA and KSM1FPA attachments significantly expand the functionality of KitchenAid stand mixers, making them indispensable for those who appreciate quality and innovation in their cooking tools. With their outstanding features and user-friendly designs, these attachments empower home cooks to explore new culinary possibilities, simplifying food preparation while enhancing the overall cooking experience. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a home cooking enthusiast, these attachments are sure to inspire creativity in the kitchen.