3 Customizing Your Pictures
Chapters 1 and 2 explained the basics for taking great digital pictures. In this
chapter, you will learn about some of the custom features available on your
camera. Because your camera is so versatile, you have the ability to set the
camera for almost any picture taking situation you may encounter. With the
camera, you can:
qAdjust the exposure for pictures that are too light or too dark.
qFrame your pictures with interesting borders supplied on the camera
memory card and software CD.
qCapture pictures in color, black and white, sepia tone, or highlight text in
qAdjust the ISO sensitivity for low light photography without flash.
qSelect specific picture quality and resolution settings to meet your
demanding picture-taking needs.
qSet white balancing options, so you get great color reproduction in your
qAdjust the metering system to control how light affects
your pictures.
qSharpen and soften pictures so editing in software can be
done easier.
qLock the exposure for a consistent look in all your pictures.