Navigating to Your Pictures

Pictures are stored on the camera memory card according to a standard agreed upon by many camera manufacturers. This standard allows you to use the camera memory card in different cameras.

Most KODAK applications supplied on the Installer CD guides you to your pictures on the camera memory card; however, if you use the Mounter software or a card reader to retrieve your pictures or you cannot locate your pictures using the software provided, the following description of the camera file structure may be helpful.

θRoot level folder is named \DCIM. Each time you turn on the camera or insert a camera memory card, any empty folders within the \DCIM folder are removed.

θTypically, all pictures taken with the camera are stored in the \DCIM\100K5000 folder.

θPictures are numbered in the order in which they are taken. The first picture is named DCP_0001.JPG, which is stored in the \DCIM\100K5000 folder.

θWhen you transfer pictures to the computer, or delete pictures from the

camera memory card, the camera uses consecutive numbers for


subsequent pictures. For example, if the last picture taken was


DCP_0007.JPG, the next picture is DCP_0008.JPG.

θ When you insert the camera memory card into another DC5000 camera, the next picture is derived by incrementing either the highest existing picture number, or the highest picture number previously taken by

that camera.

Once you take picture DCP_9999.JPG in the \DCIM\100K5000 folder, subsequent pictures will appear in a new folder (\DCIM\101K5000) on the camera memory card, beginning with picture DCP_0001.JPG.

If you use the camera memory card in a camera other than the DC5000 camera, and that camera manufacturer adheres to this file structure standard, the \DCIM folder will contain a folder named by that camera. Any pictures taken with that camera are stored in the folder using the naming conventions established by the manufacturer. For more information, refer to the documentation that accompanied that camera.


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Kodak DC5000 manual Navigating to Your Pictures