VinylJet 36TM Reference Guide
Nesting allows the user to save media by printing multiple plots along the horizon- tal width of the media. This feature makes the most efficient use of consumables and reduces the time required to print multiple plots.
When nesting is active,
A nest is full when the printer determines that no further jobs can be fitted across the page.
Nest timeouts are governed by the Nest Time parameter, which is set via the printer’s front panel.
If the printer runs out of memory, the current nest will be printed immediately, so that memory may be reclaimed for use by new plots.
An incompatible plot is either a
If any of the following plot parameters are different between one plot and the next, the last plot will be incompatible with the current nest, causing the nest to begin printing immediately.
The following parameters are monitored for nest compatibility:
•Print quality;
•Number of passes;
•Print direction;
•Color mode;
•Dry time;
•Wipe on/off; and
•Media Save.