Introduction | Editing workflow – 5
EDITING WORKFLOWWhile it is very easy to understand how to use the SV-1 Editor, and you are free
to use the editing procedures that you prefer the best, please carefully follow
these steps to connect the SV-1 to a computer and to transfer data between them.
1. Connect your SV-1 to your computer using an USB cable.
2. Turn the SV-1 on.
3. Launch the SV-1 Editor.
4. Wait for the content of the SV-1’s memory to be transferred into the Editor.
Also, you can load data saved on disk (this might be data you edited in the
past, or that you download from the web).
5. Go to the Main page and edit your data.
Changes are immediately mirrored to the SV-1, so that you can listen to them
when playing the keyboard. However, they are not saved into the SV-1 mem-
6. Click the Write Current Preset in the side drawer to save the changes into the
SV-1’s memory.
7. If you want to create a backup set with all the edited data, click the Backup
All SV-1 Data button in the side drawer.
A Save dialog appears. Enter a name for the new backup set, choose a place
where to save it in the disks, then confirm.
8. Exit from the SV-1 Editor.
9. Disconnect the USB cable.
10.Enjoy your new sounds!
SV1-100-EditorGuide-EFGI.book Page 5 Wednesday, June 3, 2009 12:35 PM