Inhaltsverzeichnis |
| Table of Contents |
| ||
1 | Einführung |
| 1 | Introduction |
1.1 | Hinweise für den Benutzer .......................................... | 2 | 1.1 | GeneralInformation..................................................... | 2 |
1.2 | Wichtige Informationen .............................................. | 2 | 1.2 | Important Information ................................................. | 2 |
1.3 | Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise ................................. | 2 | 1.3 | General Safety Instructions......................................... | 2 |
1.4 | SicherheitbeimUmgangmitElektrizität ...................... | 4 | 1.4 | Safe Handling of Electricity......................................... | 4 |
2 | Produktbeschreibung |
| 2 | ProductDescription |
2.1 | Produktbeschreibung - Einsatzbeispiele ..................... | 6 | 2.1 | Product Description and Application ......................... | 6 |
2.2 | Optionen ..................................................................... | 6 | 2.2 | Optional Features........................................................ | 6 |
2.3 | Zulassungen ............................................................... | 7 | 2.3 | Compliances ................................................................ | 7 |
2.4 | Technische Daten ....................................................... | 8 | 2.4 | Technical Specifications ............................................. | 8 |
2.5 | Teile des Druckers .................................................... | 10 | 2.5 | Printer Component Location ..................................... | 10 |
3 | Selbsttest |
| 3 | Self Test |
3.1 | Herstellen der Anschlüsse ........................................ | 12 | 3.1 | Connecting the Printer .............................................. | 12 |
3.2 | Statusanzeige ............................................................ | 13 | 3.2 | Printer Info Display ................................................... | 13 |
3.3 | Durchführung des Testausdrucks ............................ | 15 | 3.3 | Self Test Printout ...................................................... | 15 |
4 | Wartung |
| 4 | CleaningandMaintenance |
4.1 | Allgemeine Reinigung ............................................... | 16 | 4.1 | GeneralCleaning ....................................................... | 16 |
4.2 | Reinigung Druckkopf ................................................ | 16 | 4.2 | Cleaning the Printhead .............................................. | 16 |
4.3 | ReinigungDruckwalze .............................................. | 17 | 4.3 | Cleaning the Media Feed Rollers .............................. | 17 |
5 | AustauschundJustagevonBaugruppen |
| 5 | ReplacingandAdjustingAssemblyUnits |
5.1 | Liste der benötigten Werkzeuge ............................... | 18 | 5.1 | List of Recommended Tools ..................................... | 18 |
5.2 | Druckkopfjustage und | 20 | 5.2 | Replacing and Adjusting the Printhead .................... | 20 |
5.3 | Wechsel Druckwalze und Umlenkrolle ..................... | 24 | 5.3 | Replacing Print Roller and Rewind Assist Roller...... | 24 |
5.4 | Justage Kopfandruck ................................................ | 26 | 5.4 | Adjusting the Printhead Contact Pressure ............... | 26 |
5.5 | Justage Druckkopfabstützung .................................. | 28 | 5.5 | Adjusting the Printhead Support .............................. | 28 |
5.6 | Justage Transferbandlauf ......................................... | 29 | 5.6 | Adjusting the Transfer Ribbon ................................. | 29 |
5.7 | Justage der Wickelmomente ..................................... | 30 | 5.7 | Adjusting the Tension at the Hubs .......................... | 30 |
5.8 | Wechsel und Abgleich Etikettenlichtschranke ........ | 34 | 5.8 | Replacing and Adjusting the Label Edge Sensor...... | 34 |
5.9 | Prüfung Spendesensor ............................................. | 35 | 5.9 | Testing the Present Sensor ....................................... | 35 |
5.10 | Abgleich Transferbandlichtschranke........................ | 36 | 5.10 | Adjusting the Ribbon Sensor ................................... | 36 |
5.11 | Wechsel Druckkopfkabel .......................................... | 37 | 5.11 | Replacing the Printhead Cable .................................. | 37 |
5.12 | Wechsel LED ............................................................ | 38 | 5.12 | Replacing the Indicator LED ..................................... | 38 |
5.13 | Wechsel Leiterplatte ................................................ | 40 | 5.13 | Replacing the PCB .................................................... | 40 |
5.14 | Wechsel Controller................................................... | 41 | 5.14 | Replacing the Controller ........................................... | 41 |
6 | Fehlersuche und | 42 | 6 | ErrorsandErrorSolutions ...................................... | 42 |
7 | FunktionsbeschreibungElektronik ........................ | 44 | 7 | FunctionofElectronicParts .................................... | 44 |
Anlagen: |
| Appendices: |
Ersatzteilliste ............................................................... | List of Spare Parts ....................................................... | ||
Blockschaltbild .................................................................. | B1 | BlockDiagram .................................................................... | B1 |
Stromlaufplan ............................................................... | CircuitDiagram ............................................................ | ||
Belegungsplan ................................................................... | D1 | Components Diagram ......................................................... | D1 |
Steckerplan ........................................................................ | E1 | PlugDiagram ...................................................................... | E1 |
Stichwortverzeichnis |
| Index |