Set Display Duration
From Backlighting, select Display Duration and one of the following:
•Always Dim forces the backlight to remain dim before turning off.
•7 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 15 Seconds, or 30 Seconds turns backlighting on for the set time after your last keypress.
•Always Bright forces the backlight to remain bright before turning off.
Set Keypad Duration
From Backlighting, select Keypad Duration and one of the following:
•Off forces the backlight to remain dim before turning off.
•7 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 15 Seconds, or 30 Seconds turns backlighting on for the set time after your last keypress.
•Same as Display matches the setting for the Display Duration.
Set Brightness
1.From Brightness, scroll to change the brightness level.
2.Select Save.
Set Language
From Language, select a language.
Set Time and Date Format
From Time/Date Format, select a time and date format.
Use these settings to make your phone more convenient to use.
Set Date and Time
In Airplane mode, you can set the time and date manually.
Note: You can only access Set Time/Date with Airplane Mode enabled.
1.From Set Time/Date, do the following to change the date:
–Scroll left or right to move between the month, day, and year fields.
–Scroll up or down to change the month, day, and year.
2.Press the OK key to save the date.
3.Do the following to change the time:
–Scroll left or right to move between the hour, minute, and AM/PM fields.
–Scroll up or down to change the hour, minute, and AM/PM.
4.Press the OK key to save the time.
5.Select Done.
Enable Airplane Mode
While in an airplane, it is normally required that you turn off your mobile phone because it emits RF signals that interfere with air traffic control. In airplane mode, however, your phone does not emit RF signals. You cannot make or receive calls, send text messages, use the Browser or Bluetooth, but you can play
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