Request Multimedia Message Receipts
From Pic Msg Receipt, select Request to request a notification when a recipient has received your multimedia message.
Set your Voicemail Number
Often your service provider automatically programs your voicemail number (the number your phone calls to retrieve voicemail). To change it:
1.From Voicemail Number, select Edit.
2.Enter your voicemail number. (Use Options > Time Pause or Hard Pause to enter pauses.)
3.Select Save.
Erase Recent List
From Erase Recent List, select Yes to clear the list of recipients you have recently sent messages to.
Erase Messages
Erasing old messages frees up memory in your phone. You can erase messages as you send or read them, erase them one at a time, or erase them all at once.
Erase a Single Message
When viewing a received message, select Options > Erase > Yes.
Note: You can erase a scheduled message, but cannot cancel its delivery.
Erase Messages from a Folder
From Erase Msgs, select a folder to erase messages from. For example, to erase received messages, select Inbox > Yes.
Note: You cannot recover deleted information.
Erase All Messages
From Erase Msgs, select All > Yes to erase all messages from all folders, except for voicemail messages.
Note: You cannot recover deleted information.
Check Message Count
From Message Count screen, check how many messages you have stored.
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