Create VLAN Group: PortBase interface
Create 802.1Q VLAN
1.Enable security VLAN setting: select to enable or disable security VLAN group. When you select to enable security VLAN group, only the members in this VLAN group can access to the switch. The steps of setting security VLAN refer to the following step 2~ 8. After you have configured the security VLAN group, you can continue to create other VLAN groups. When you don’t select to configure security VLAN group, then just create VLAN group refer to following step 2 ~ 8.
Note: There is only one security VLAN group.
2. Select <Edit>.
3.VLAN Name: Type a name for the new VLAN, ex: VLAN01.
4.VLAN ID: Type a VID (between 1~4094). The default is 1. There are 256 VLAN groups to provided configure.
5.Protocol VLAN: Press “Space” key to choose protocols type.
6.Member: Press “Space” key to change the member value.
Untagged: this port is the member port of this VLAN group and outgoing frames are NO
Tagged: this port is the member port of this VLAN group and outgoing frames are
NO: it means that the port is NOT member of this VLAN group.
7. Press “ESC” key to go back action menu line.
8.Select <Save> to save the configuration.
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