Port status
In Port status, you can view every port status that depended on user setting and the negotiation result.
1.Link: “Down” is “No Link”. “UP” is “Link”.
2.State: display port statuses “disable” or “enable”. “Unlink” will be treated as “off ”.
3.Auto Negotiation: display the auto negotiation mode:
4.Speed Duplex: display port connection speed. “Config” means the value that user configured. “Actual” means the current value of the port.
5.Flow Control: Full: display the flow control status is “enable” or “disable” in full mode. “Config” means the value that user configured. “Actual” means the current value of the port.
6.Back Pressure: Display the Back Pressure status setting. “Config” means the value that user configured. “Actual” means the current value of the port.
7.Bandwidth: display the port incoming and outgoing bandwidth.
8. Priority: display the port static priority status is “High” or “Low” or “Disable”.
9.Port Security: display the port security is “enable” or “disable”.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Port Status interface