Lexmark Optra C710 manual Job Menu, Are also discarded, Or copying a DOS file

Models: Optra C710

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Job Menu The Job Menu is available when the printer is idle, the printer is busy processing or printing a job, a printer message is displayed, or when the printer is in Hex Trace mode. Press Menu> or <Menu to open the Job Menu.

Job Menu

Menu item






Cancel Job


If the printer is processing a job, press Menu> or <Menu to open the Job Menu, and press



Select to cancel the job.




Reset Printer


Press Menu> or <Menu to open the Job Menu, and press Select to reset the printer.



The printer resets to the printer default setting for each menu item. All downloaded resources



(fonts, macros, symbol sets) in printer memory (RAM) are deleted. All data on the currently



selected host interface is deleted from the interface link buffer.



Note: If the printer is currently sending or receiving a fax, the connection is terminated and all



fax data associated with the fax job is discarded. All fax jobs received and queued for printing



are also discarded.



Note: Before selecting Reset Printer, exit the software application you are using.




Print Buffer


Press Select to print any data stored in the print buffer.



This menu item is only available when you enter the Job Menu while the Waiting message is



displayed. The Waiting state occurs if an incomplete job is sent to the printer or if an ASCII job



is being printed. Examples include sending a print screen command from your host computer



or copying a DOS file.




Cancel Fax












If you have an internal fax modem installed, you can cancel outgoing faxes before they are



transmitted or cancel incoming faxes before they finish printing.



If you want to cancel an incoming fax, enter the Cancel Fax command through the Job Menu



and select R. The fax number for the sending machine will be displayed. Press Select to



cancel the incoming fax.



If you want to cancel an outgoing fax, enter the Cancel Fax command through the Job Menu



and select D. If the telephone number of the fax you want to cancel is not displayed, press



<Menu or Menu> until the number of the outgoing fax you want to cancel is displayed. When



the fax number of the outgoing fax you want to cancel is displayed, press Select.



The printer can store up to five outgoing fax numbers in the outgoing fax queue. Any time



more than five outgoing faxes are in the queue, the next one will enter the display queue as an



outgoing fax is transmitted or cancelled.





Chapter 3: Menus 35

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Image 49
Lexmark Optra C710 manual Job Menu, Are also discarded, Or copying a DOS file, Outgoing fax is transmitted or cancelled