Lexmark Optra C710 manual Job Buffer Size Disabled 10…100%, Port, Stored on the disk are deleted

Models: Optra C710

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Setup Menu (continued)

Menu item





Job Buffer Size











If you have an optional disk installed in your printer, you can allocate a portion of the available



disk space for spooling jobs. You can choose any 1% increment between 10 and 100%. You



must select a Job Buffer Size before you can set the Job Buffer menu to On for a particular






Warning: If you change the job buffer size, the printer formats the hard disk, and all resources



stored on the disk are deleted.



The Job Buffer Size menu item is only displayed if the installed disk option is formatted and is



not defective or Read/Write or Write protected.




Job Accounting












If you have an optional disk installed in your printer, set Job Accounting On to use the disk to



store statistical information about your printer’s most recent jobs. The statistics include



whether the job printed with or without errors, time required to print the job, size (in bytes) of



the job, requested paper size and paper type, color settings used, total number of printed



pages, and the number of copies requested.



To print a listing of all accumulated statistics, select Print from the Job Acct Stat menu item in



the Utilities Menu.



The Job Accounting menu item is not displayed if the installed disk option is defective or



Read/Write or Write protected, or if the Job Buffer Size menu item is set to 100%.




Job Acct Limit












If you have an optional disk installed in your printer, you can use the disk to store statistical



information about a specified number of jobs. The value you select from the Job Acct Limit



menu item determines the number of jobs for which statistics are stored. Once you reach the



job limit, statistics for the oldest job are deleted as new statistics are stored, maintaining



statistics for the specified number of jobs.



If you select Disabled, the only limit to the number of jobs for which statistics are stored is the



memory available on the disk.



Warning: When you change the Job Acct Limit value, all statistical information stored on the



disk is discarded.



The Job Acct Limit menu item is not displayed if the installed disk option is defective or Read/



Write or Write protected, or if the Job Buffer Size menu item is set to 100%.





*Factory default








Chapter 3: Menus 43

Page 57
Image 57
Lexmark Optra C710 manual Job Buffer Size Disabled 10…100%, Port, Stored on the disk are deleted, Utilities Menu