Lexmark Optra C710 manual Service Fuser Error, Service Printhead, This condition

Models: Optra C710

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Service messages (continued)





920-929 Service Fuser Error

Indicates the fuser is not working properly. If Alarm Control is turned on, the alarm


is sounded if this error occurs. If the service number is 925 through 929, the


normal life of your fuser has been exhausted and you must replace it.



930-935 Service Printhead

Indicates the fuser is not working properly. If Alarm Control is turned on, the alarm


is sounded if this error occurs. A service technician is required to correct this





939 Service RIP-Engine Comm.

Indicates the printer engine has not received the proper input during a specified


time period. If Alarm Control is turned on, the alarm is sounded if this error occurs.


A service technician is required to correct this condition.



941 Service Code CRC

Indicates the ROM Code has failed the CRC check. A service technician is


required to correct this condition.



941 Service Font CRC

Indicates the Font ROM has failed the CRC check. A service technician is required


to correct this condition.



943 Service RIP Font Version

Indicates the RIP code and Font ROM are incompatible. A service technician is


required to correct this condition.



944-946 Service System Board

Indicates a failure on the printer system board. A service technician is required to


correct this condition.



948 Service Engine Card

Indicates a problem has occurred on the engine card. If Alarm Control is turned


on, the alarm is sounded if this error occurs. A service technician is required to


correct this condition.



953-954 Service NVRAM

Indicates the NVRAM on the engine card has failed. If Alarm Control is turned on,


the alarm is sounded if this error occurs. A service technician is required to correct


this condition.



955 Service Code/Font CRC

Indicates the Code or Font ROM failed the CRC check. A service technician is


required to correct this condition.



956-959 Service System Board

Indicates the system board has failed. A service technician is required to correct


this condition.



960-963 Service RAM Memory

Indicates a memory error has occurred and one or more memory cards need to be




• 961 the memory card in slot 1 is bad.


• 962 the memory card in slot 2 is bad.


• 963 the memory card in slot 3 is bad.


Removing or replacing the bad memory card normally fixes this error. Refer to


your Setup Guide for information on removing and installing memory.



964-965 Service Emulation

Indicates an emulation error occurred during an emulation download. If Alarm


Control is turned on, the alarm is sounded if this error occurs. A service technician


is required to correct this condition.



Chapter 8: Understanding printer messages 159

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Lexmark Optra C710 manual Service Fuser Error, Service Printhead, Service technician is required to correct this condition