Making a Conference |
Call | 74 |
Having a Private |
Conversation With One |
Participant | 74 |
Menu Navigation | 76 |
Menu Navigation | 76 |
Accessing a Menu |
Function | 76 |
Selecting Functions and |
Options | 77 |
Using Shortcuts | 79 |
Entering Text | 80 |
Changing the Text Input |
Mode | 80 |
Using T9 Mode | 82 |
Using Symbol Mode | 84 |
Using Number Mode | 84 |
Using ABC Mode | 85 |
Understanding Your |
Contacts | 86 |
Storing a Number in the |
Phone’s Memory | 86 |
Storing a Number in the |
SIM Card | 89 |
Finding Contacts Entry | 90 |
Dialing a Number from |
Contacts | 93 |
Creating and Editing a |
Caller Group | 94 |
Speed Dialing | 95 |
Deleting all of the Contact | |
Entries | 96 |
Mobile Backup | 97 |
My Name Card (My Info).97 | |
Messages | 98 |
Types of Messages | 98 |
Create Text Messages | 99 |
Create Multimedia |
Messages | 101 |
Conversations/Standard | |
View | 102 |
Standard View | 103 |
Sentbox | 105 |
Voicemail | 106 |
107 | |
Audio Postcard | 108 |
Instant Messaging (IM)... | 109 |
Drafts | 111 |
Message Settings | 111 |
Changing Your |
Settings | 113 |
Sound Settings | 113 |
Display Settings | 116 |
Main Menu Style | 117 |
Bluetooth® | 118 |