Lindy Carbon Monoxide Alarm MonitoringRack MonitoringSystemSystem, Specimen output, configuration

Models: Carbon Monoxide Alarm

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Specimen outputManual backgroundManual background5Manual backgroundManual background

EEXAMPLEXAMPLE CONFIGURATIONCONFIGURATIONManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background

Limited alarm duration for filter 4: Internal buzzer active for 5 seconds if filter 4 (smoke and shock sensor) is active

Set input for filter 10 Effect to “thru” in the Feedback menu..

Specimen output




Additional fan on DIGITAL OUT 1:


activated if filter 1 trips




Signal horn on DIGITAL OUT 2:


activated if filter 4 (smoke or


shock) or filter 6 (passive infra


red) trip. Second fan on DIGITAL


OUT 3 with hysteresis for tempe-


rature 1: switch on fan if tempe-


rature 1 > 37 °C and do not


switch off until temperature 1 <


25 °C.


MonitoringRack MonitoringSystemSystem

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Image 43
Lindy Carbon Monoxide Alarm user manual MonitoringRack MonitoringSystemSystem, Eexamplexample Configurationconfiguration