Looper Details
Looper Controls
When you engage the Looper Controls switch, the 7 switches in the two bottom rows will control the Looper, enabling you to record and play back a loop while your current Scene is still active. Here are the details:
6 | 7 | 8 | 1 |
1Looper Controls Switch – when you step on this switch it will light up red, indicating the two bottom rows of footswitches will now control various functions of the Looper. Your current Scene will still be active, and each of the loaded FX in your Scene will be displayed in the four FX Unit LCDs.
2Record/Overdub – to record a guitar loop, step on this switch and the M13 will record up to 30 seconds of whatever you play. Step on it a second time and your recorded loop will begin to play back immediately, with Overdub mode activated (LED will flash).
Overdubbing – once you have a loop recorded, you can layer an overdub on your current loop at any time. Simply play back the loop and step on the Record/Overdub switch. Your new live guitar will be recorded along with your previous guitar track.
Looper Levels – the Playback and Overdub Level of your loop will be determined by the Looper Levels you set in Chapter 1, Page 2. Play Level is the volume of your recorded loop in relation to your live guitar volume. Overdub Level is the level of your