Setup Details
Setup Details
Welcome to the M13 Stompbox Modeler Advanced Guide. This guide contains
In the chapters that follow, we’ll be referring to the six Knobs that adjust the various parameters of the M13. These are located below each of the four LCD displays. On the top row left is the Model Select Knob. To the right of that are Knobs 1 and 2. Knobs 3, 4 and 5 are in the second row, left to right. Now to begin, let’s get in tune.
To enter Tuner mode, press and hold the Tap switch for a few seconds. LCD 3 will display the Tuner. LCD 4 will display the note you’re tuning. If you’d like to tune to a reference other than standard 440, turn Knob 3 to select from 425 to 455. To toggle between Mute Audio (your guitar will be silent) and Bypass Audio (you’ll hear your guitar dry with no FX), turn Knob 5.
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Tuning is straightforward: when the graphic diamond is to the left of center, your note is flat; when it’s to the right, you’re sharp. When the diamond is precisely in the center, two triangles will appear above and below it, indicating your string is in tune. To exit Tuner mode, press Tap again, or any other foot switch.
Setup Mode
To enter Setup mode, press and hold the Looper Controls switch for a few seconds. The M13’s four LCDs will display your settings, including Expression Pedals in LCD 1, Looper Levels & EQ in LCD 2, Preferences, Scenes & FX Loop in LCD 3, and MIDI, Gate & Displays in LCD 4.
Depending on the way you like to work, most of your Global settings can be left as is after you’ve set them initially. They’ll be recalled each time you