Nth w that you have looked up e
Number for your brand of VCR
(on previous page), you are
ready to follow the four simple
steps below.
Please read through steps 1-4 before beginning.
_,_ Press and release the REC
(RECORD) button.
_,_ Within thirty seconds after releasing the REC button, press and release the VCR System button.
_",_ Within thirty seconds after releasing the VCR System
DIGIT CODE NUMBER for the desired VCR. The remote is
now ready to send commands to
the VCR.
._4j Point the remote at the VCR. Press the POWER button on the
remote to turn0the VCR ON.
Try it out. The Channel ! and VCR buttons on the
remote should now operate the VCR.
Remember, if this doesn't work the first time, repeat steps using the same remote code number.
If after a second try the remote
does not operate your VCR, and there are more code numbers
listed for your brand VCR, use the next listed code number.
If after repeated attempts the code rmmber method does not work
),our VCR, try the "VCR SEARCH" method on page 28.
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