Once your MAGNA VOX purchase is registered, you're eligible to receive all the privileges of owning a MAGNA VOX product. So complete and return the Warranty Registration Card enclosed with your purchase at once. And take advantage of these important benefits.
,_Warranty! | .Ownerl |
Verification | Confirmation |
Registering your product within | Your completed Warranty |
I 0 days confirms your right to | Registration Card serves as |
maximum protection under the | verification of ownership in the |
terms and conditions of your | event of product theft or loss. |
MAGNAVOX warranty. |
Returning your Warranty Registration Card right away guarantees you'll receive all the information and special offers which you qualify for as the owner of your model.
Cong tu,ationspurch--, MAGNAVOX
welcome to the "family!"
Dear MAGNAVOX product owner:
Smart. Very smart®
Thank you for your confidencein MAGNAVOX. You'veselected availabletoday. And we'lldo everythingin our power to keep you
one of the best-built, best-backed products
happywith your purchase for many years to come.
As a member of the MAGNAVOX "family," you'reentitled to protection by one of the most comprehensive warranties and outstanding servicenetworks in the industry.
'What'smore, your purchaseguaranteesyou'llreceive all the information and special offers for which you qualify,pluseasyaccessto ;accessoriesfrom our convenient home shopping network.
,And most importandy you can count on our uncompromisingcommitment to your total satisfaction.
All of this is our way of
Sincerely, |
__ | P.S. Remember, |
| to | get the | most | from your |
| product, | you must return your | ||
Robert Minkhorst | Warranty |
| Registration | Card | within 10 days. | |
President and Chief Executive Officer | So please | it to us right | now! |
For Customer Use
Enter below the Serial No. which is located on the rear of the cabinet. Retain this information for future reference.
Model No. | Serial No. |
Know these
AThis "bolt of lightning" indicates uninsulated material within your unit may cause an electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering.
_k, The "exclamation point" calls attention to features for which you should read the enclosed literatur_ closely to prevent operating and maintenance problems.
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, and fully insert.
ATTENTION: Pour eviter les chocs electriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser iusqu'au fond.