European Standard
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Funkstöreigenschaften nach EN 55022:1998
Dies ist eine Einrichtung der Klasse A. Diese Einrichtung kann im Wohnbereich Funkstörungen verursachen; in diesem fall kann vom Betrieber verlangt werden, angemessene Maßnahmen durchführen.
Standard Europeo
Questo e’ un prodotto di classe A. Se usato in vicinanza di residenze private potrebbe causare interferenze radio che potrebbero richiedere all’utilizzatore opportune misure.
Ce produit est de classe “A”. Dans un environnement domestique, ce produit peut être la cause d’interférences radio. Dans ce cas l’utiliseteur peut être amené à predre les mesures adéquates.
“Patent Information
This METROLOGIC product may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents:
U.S. Patent No.;
4,960,985; 5,081,342; 5,216,232; 5,260,553; 5,340,971; 5,343,027; 5,557,093; 5,627,359; 5,637,852; 5,661,292; 5,686,717; 5,777,315; 5,789,731; 5,828,049; 6,029,894;
4,360,798; 4,369,361; 4,387,297; 4,460,120; 4,496,831; 4,593,186; 4,607,156; 4,673,805; 4,736,095; 4,758,717; 4,816,660; 4,845,350; 4,896,026; 4,923,281; 4,933,538; 4,992,717; 5,081,342; 5,015,833; 5,017,765; 5,059,779; 5,117,098; 5,124,539; 5,130,520; 5,132,525; 5,140,144; 5,149,950; 5,180,904; 5,200,599; 5,229,591; 5,247,162; 5,250,790; 5,250,791; 5,250,792; 5,260,553; 5,262,628; 5,280,162; 5,280,164; 5,304,788; 5,321,246; 5,324,924; 5,340,973; 5,396,053; 5,396,055; 5,408,081; 5,410,139; 5,424,525; 5,436,440; 5,449,891; 5,468,949; 5,468,951; 5,479,000; 5,484,992; 5,525,789; 5,528,024; 5,532,469; 5,545,889; 5,591,953; 5,616,908; 5,627,359
No license right or sublicense is granted, either expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, under any METROLOGIC or third party intellectual property rights (whether or not such third party rights are licensed to METROLOGIC), including any third party patent listed above, except for an implied license only for the normal intended use of the specific equipment, circuits, and devices represented by or contained in the METROLOGIC products that are physically transferred to the user, and only to the extent of METROLOGIC’S license rights and subject to any conditions, covenants and restrictions therein.”
Other worldwide patents pending.