Parameter Description:

zIP Address: Define the ip address for your networking if it is the fixed ip. Please get this info from your ISP.

zSubnet Mask: Define the mask address for your networking. Please get this info from your ISP.

zDefault Routing Gateway: Define the default gateway for your networking. Please get this info from your ISP.

zIP Mode: To configure the fixed or dynamic ip address for this unit. Please configure to PPPoE if the ADSL is using the PPPoE type.

zHTTP Port: To configure the HTTP port for access this unit from the remote side.

zDNS primary: To configure the first ip address for the DNS server.

zDNS secondary: To configure the second ip address for the DNS server.

zSNTP: Enable the SNTP server registering function if user wants to get the correct time from the Command Line Interface.

zSNTP Server Address: Enter the correct ip address of the SNTP server or get the incorrect time from the Command Line Interface.

zGMT: Configuring the time area for the time display in the Command Line Interface.

zPPPoE User Name: To configure the user name for the PPPoE connection.

zPPPoE Password: To configure the password for the PPPoE


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MicroNet Technology SP5052A/S, SP5054A/S user manual