This mode makes a three image bracket of a scene. Bracketing is a method of taking a series of images of a static subject in which each image has a slight variation in exposure. The camera is not limited to exposure brackets, but can also make contrast and color saturation brackets. Only one image characteristic can be bracketed at a time. The bracketing mode is set with the function dial (p. 40).


Contrast bracket

After setting the drive mode to bracketing, turn the digital effects switch to the contrast or color-saturation setting. Set the contrast or color saturation to the desired level; the bracket series is from one unit under to one unit over the set level. Except for a RAW image, if the the contrast or color saturation is set to the maximum or minimum level (±3), one bracket will be made at ± 4: +3, +2, +4. A RAW

Exposure bracket

After setting the drive mode to bracketing, turn the digital effects switch to the exposure-compensation setting. The order of the bracket series is normal exposure (as indicated by the shutter speed and aperture displays), underexposure, overexposure. The exposure bracket is set to 1/3 stop increments, but can be

Color-saturation bracket

image cannot exceed the the maximum and minimum levels and will contain two identical brackets: +3, +2, +3. See the digital-effects-controller section on page 62 to set contrast and color saturation.

adjusted to 1/2 or 1 stop increments in the custom 1 section of the recording-mode menu (p. 80).

Compose the picture as described in the basic-operation section (p. 29). Press the shutter-release button partway down (1) or press the AF/AEL button (2) to lock the exposure and focus for the series; the camera will continue to focus during the series if

Compose the picture as described in the basic-operation section (p. 29). Press the shutter-release button partway down (1) or press the AF/AEL button (2) to

lock the exposure and focus for the series; the camera will continue to focus during the series if set to continuous AF (p. 68). Press and hold

the shutter-release button all the way down (3) to make the 1 bracket series; three consecutive images will be captured.

set to continuous AF (p. 68). Press and hold the shutter-release button all the way down (3) to make the bracket series; three consecutive images will be captured. The frames in the series are count down on the monitors next to the bracketing icon.

Exposure bracket






Number of frames in bracketing series

Frame counter




If the CompactFlash card is filled or the shutter button is released before the series has completed, the camera will reset and the entire bracket must be made again.

With super fine and RAW image qualities or when using flash, the bracket will not advance automatically; the shutter-release button must be pressed for each frame of the series. Once the series begins, the focus and exposure values are set and do not have to be made again. The remaining number of frames in the bracket series is displayed on the monitors next to the bracketing icon.



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Image 28
Minolta dimage7, Dimage 5 instruction manual Digital Enhanced Bracketing, Exposure Bracketing