Appendix A
Known Software Anomalies
Anomaly | Possible Effect on Patient |
| or Implant Procedure |
General Programmer Issues | |
If a long patient name is entered | The last letters of the patient |
without blank spaces, it may be | name may be missing from |
cut off in the printout under the | the printout. However, the |
section 'Patient Data' | patient name is not a therapy- |
| relevant parameter. |
Pacemaker detection disturbed | If this occurs, the programmer |
after interrogation under EMI | must be |
conditions | Stratos cannot be |
| communicated with for about |
| 1 minute. The |
| process is delayed by this |
| time. |
Display test results on | Limited clarity and |
programmer screen and printout | consistency in the display of |
is inconsistent | measurement values from |
| |
During transfer of | Missing programing |
information from Stratos | information in the exported |
to the GE/CARDDAS system, the | data may cause user |
following data are not displayed: | confusion |
• the programmed data and |
| |
ventricular channel |
• lead data of all channels in |
Stratos |
Interrogation data after Auto | Display/printout of incorrect |
Implant Detect (1.5 h after lead | diagnostic information may |
attach) may show an incorrect, | cause user confusion or |
superfluous entry: "AF episodes | incorrect diagnosis |
detected >48h" in the Event List. |
AF statistics are always correctly |
displayed. |