Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 163

Appendix A

Known Software Anomalies


Possible Effect on Patient


or Implant Procedure

General Programmer Issues

If a long patient name is entered

The last letters of the patient

without blank spaces, it may be

name may be missing from

cut off in the printout under the

the printout. However, the

section 'Patient Data'

patient name is not a therapy-


relevant parameter.

Pacemaker detection disturbed

If this occurs, the programmer

after interrogation under EMI

must be re-started, so that the


Stratos cannot be


communicated with for about


1 minute. The follow-up


process is delayed by this



Display test results on

Limited clarity and

programmer screen and printout

consistency in the display of

is inconsistent

measurement values from


follow-up testing.

During transfer of follow-up

Missing programing

information from Stratos CRT-Ps

information in the exported

to the GE/CARDDAS system, the

data may cause user

following data are not displayed:


the programmed data and


follow-up data of the left


ventricular channel


lead data of all channels in




Interrogation data after Auto

Display/printout of incorrect

Implant Detect (1.5 h after lead

diagnostic information may

attach) may show an incorrect,

cause user confusion or

superfluous entry: "AF episodes

incorrect diagnosis

detected >48h" in the Event List.


AF statistics are always correctly

