3 Pressbutton to }select INPUT menu.
4 Pressbutton. ]

INPUT menu is displayed. Set the monitor polarity with “IN SYNC” on this menu.

5 Pressor button{ to }select “IN SYNC”.

The sync. signal level being selected, for example, “ttl” is displayed.

6Set the sync. signal level according to the equipment to
be connected. Press or button[to select]“ttl”, “sog”
or “0.3v”.



Inputs the TTL level sync signal.



Inputs the Sync. On Green level sync signal.



Inputs the 0.3Vp-p level sync signal.


7Press SET button.

The function is set, and SERVICE MENU is displayed.

8 Pressor button{ to }select OUTPUT menu.
9 Press

button. ]

OUTPUT menu is displayed. Set the signal output with “OUT SYNC” and “RGB SOG” on this menu.

APressor button{to select} first “OUT SYNC” . Press


button[ to ]select “auto” or “user”.

The sync. signal setting being selected, for example, “auto” is displayed.

auto Outputs the same sync signal as IN SYNC setting.

user Sets the signal output.

BWhen setting “user” on A, select second “OUT SYNC,” and set the sync.signal level according to the equipment

to be connected. Press or button[ to ]select “0.3v” or “ttl.”


Outputs the 0.3Vp-p sync signal.


Outputs the TTL level sync signal.

C Pressor button{ to }select third “OUT SYNC”.
DSet the monitor’s polarity according to the equipment
to be connected. Press or button[to select]“nega”
or “posi.”