If you have printed labels since turning the printer on, you will see
Len Min Max OK 0290 036 188 Y
The Len listing is the length of the supply in dots. The other information describes the sense mark reading on the supply.
Press R to see other readings. The printer stores readings on the last 16 tags or labels printed.
U s i n g P a s s w o r d P r o t e c t i o n
The password protection feature has been added to help prevent formats, graphics, fonts, or flash from accidentally being deleted from the printer’s memory.
E n a b l i n g t h e P a s s w o r d ( S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t o r s o n l y )
A System Administrator can enable the password that must be entered before formats, graphics or fonts can be deleted or flash can be cleared.
1.From the Diagnostics Menu, press L or R until you see
l | User Diag | r |
2.Press E and L or R until you see
l Password r