C l e a r i n g L a b e l J a m s
When you are printing and a jam occurs, the Supplies light on the printer’s front panel blinks. To clear the jam:
1.Turn off the printer.
2.Open the cover and printhead assembly.
3.If necessary, remove the label roll and ribbon.
4.Remove the jammed labels and reload the label roll.
5.Close the printhead assembly and turn on the printer.
6.Press Feed to position the supply under the printhead.
C l e a n i n g
The rate and frequency at which you print determines how often you must clean the printer.
You may need to clean the printhead and platen roller:
uif there is any adhesive
uafter printing approximately six rolls of supply, after using two ribbons, or whenever you load new supplies
udaily if your printer is in an excessively dirty, hot, or humid environment
uwhen you see voids in the print as shown.
You may have to clean the supply sensor more often if you frequently receive supply error codes.