E r r o r M e s s a g e s
You may receive the following types of error messages:
uData Errors
uCommunication Errors
Some errors numbered
D a t a E r r o r s
Errors 001 to 405 and 429 to 435 are data errors. This type of error indicates that incorrect data was sent to the printer, and the printer is ignoring it. Your System Administrator should correct the packet and send it back to the printer.
Error Description/Action
001 Format ID number must be 1 to 999.
002Name must be 1 to 8 characters inside quotes.
003Action must be A (add) or C (clear).
004Supply length is invalid.
005Supply width is invalid.
006Storage device must be R (volatile RAM).
007Unit of measure must be E (English), M (Metric), or G (Dots).
010Field ID number is outside the range 0 to 999.
011Field length exceeds 2710.