Show Charge Per Call, Show Total Call Charges
AThese menu items are only available if you receive the Advice of Charge service.
Choose to display during calls either the total call charges since the meter was reset or the charge per call. The meter shows phone units or currency depending on the setting of Set
Charge Type.
Call Charge Settings
This submenu allows you to customize your Advice of Charge settings. You will be prompted to enter your PIN2 security code before you can access these options.
AThis menu item is only available if you receive the Advice of Charge service.
Reset Call Charges
Resets your charge meters to zero.
Set Total Charge Limit
Sets the maximum limit for call charges. Once this limit has been reached, the network will refuse any further chargeable calls.
If you switch the charge limit On, you will be prompted to enter a new limit. Enter the amount as either units or currency depending on the setting of Set Charge Type. Units must be entered as whole numbers.
AWhen the charge limit is activated, you will not be able to make fax or data calls.
Once a limit is set, the
Once the limit is reached, the Total Charge Limit will need to be reset or switched off before any chargeable calls can be made.
Select Off to switch off the charge limit.
Set Charge Type
This option defines whether charge information is displayed as either phone units or currency.
Sets the charge type to currency. You will be prompted to enter the Currency Name. Enter a
Sets the charge type to phone units.
Lifetime Timer
This option is used to display the total time of all calls made on your phone.
This meter can not be reset. Reset All Timers, Master Reset, and Master Clear do not affect this timer.
Using the Options Menu 59