Entering characters | 32 |
Erase name and number | 34 |
Extended menus | 27, 52 |
F |
Fault finding | 69 |
Fax |
Accessories | 67 |
Forwarding | 40 |
Outgoing message type | 48 |
Find entry by location | 33, 64 |
Find entry by name | 33, 63 |
Find new network | 56 |
Fitting your battery | 12 |
Fixed dialing | 36 |
Calling numbers | 36 |
37 | |
Viewing list | 36 |
Forwarding |
Canceling | 40 |
Data calls | 40 |
Fax calls | 40 |
Unconditional | 65 |
Voice calls | 39 |
When unavailable | 39 |
I |
In use symbol | 10 |
International phone calls | 19 |
K |
Key answer only | 43, 65 |
Keypad tones |
Selecting | 52 |
78 Index |
L |
Language selection | 52 |
Last ten calls |
Made | 35 |
Received | 35, 64 |
Lifetime timer | 59 |
Lock now | 50 |
Low battery warning | 13 |
M |
Making a phone call | 18 |
Master clear | 53 |
Master reset | 53 |
Menu navigation | 25 |
Menus |
Accessory setup menu | 60 |
Call meters menu | 57 |
Call related features menu | 38 |
Messages menu | 44 |
Network selection menu | 54 |
Options menu | 29 |
Personalized menus | 27 |
Phone book menu | 30 |
Phone setup menu | 49 |
Quick Access menu | 63 |
Message editor | 47, 64 |
Message settings | 48 |
Messages | 44 |
Call holding/call waiting messages | 41 |
Calling an embedded number | 46 |
Cell broadcast messages | 45 |
Creating and editing | 45 |
Reading SMS messages | 45, 64 |
Sending SMS messages | 47 |
Messages menu | 44 |
Mute car radio | 60 |
Muting the phone | 20, 64 |
My phone number(s) | 36 |
N |
Names |
Entering | 32 |
Finding | 33, 63 |
Network search | 55 |
Network selection menu | 54 |
Networks |
Automatic search | 55 |
Finding new networks | 56 |
Manual search | 55 |
New Security Code | 52 |
O |
19, 64 | |
Setting | 37 |
Options menu | 29 |
Outgoing messages | 47, 65 |
P |
Paging |
Outgoing message type | 48 |
Personal numbers | 33 |
Personalized menu | 27 |
Phone book |
Add entry | 34, 64 |
Call number | 34 |
Capacity | 31 |
Deleting/erasing entries | 34 |
Dialing phone book numbers | 19 |