In order to configure your screen coloring, first set the monitor type: COLOR or B & W (black
and white). Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to toggle between the two options of either color or
black and white. Press ENTER to move to the next selection. If you wish to skip any selections
continue to press the ENTER key until you find the selection you want to modify.
Each selection listed can be configured with the function keys at the bottom of the screen except
for SCREEN BACKGROUND. This parameter can only be modified with the F2 key or CHANGE
COLOR. The screen background can have one of eight colors and cannot change its brightness,
like the other selections.
Function Key Descriptions:
F2 Change Color - There are eight different colors to select from which you can select by
pressing the F2 key, continue to press this key to scroll through the different colors.
F3 Toggle Blink- This function toggles the selected item to blink on and off. To disable the
blinking, just press the F3 key again.
F4 Toggle Bright - This function toggles the brightness or intensity of the selected color in
F2. This key just toggles between the original color and another intensity of the same
F5 Inverse Video - This function allows you to switch the colors of the background of the
message and the actual character letters of the message. This key just toggles between
the character letters and the background color of the message.
F8 Save Config - This function saves the options selected on this CONFIGURATION
SCREEN COLORS menu. It is necessary to save these options each time you change
or modify any of the selections.
F9 Reset Default - This function resets the screen back to its original state or default
settings. The default screen is the original screen that comes up once this menu is
selected from the SETUP Computer Configuration menu.
The last step in configuring your computer is to save the values using the F8 key. Press F10 to
return to the SETUP Computer Configuration menu, or ESC to return to the MAIN menu.
18 Software Installation