ARCHIVE: To save a copy of the radio codeplug data, either by printing it
or saving it on magnetic media.
ARROW KEYS: The cursor movement keys located on the numeric keypad (UP =
#8, DOWN = #2, LEFT = #4, RIGHT = #6). For the Radio Service
Software application, the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys are used to
move the cursor within a data entry field. The UP and DOWN
arrow keys are used to increment and decrement values.
ASCII: An acronym for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. It is a seven-bit code that defines 128 standard
characters, including control characters, letters, numbers, and
ASYNCHRONOUS A method of data communications in which information is
transmitted one COMMUNICATIONS character at a time. A start
bit precedes each character and a stop bit follows it.
BACKUP: A duplicate copy of a computer file that you save on another floppy
disk, in case the original file is corrupted, damaged, or accidentally
BOOT: To load the computer's operating system.
BUS SIGNALLING: The protocol used in communication between elements of a
system, either within a unit or between units. This usually refers
to a definable methodology which may or may not be proprietary to
MOTOROLA. Serial Bus Signalling is typically used to interface a
RIB to a radio for the purpose of altering a radio's codeplug or
changing service parameters.
CARRIER SQUELCH: A radio receive mode of operation that unmutes the receiver only in
the presence of a received signal.
CHANNEL: A pair of receive and transmit frequencies.
CODEPLUG: Data stored in solid state media, ie. ROM's, PROM's, EPROM's,
and EEPROM's. Codeplug data is normally accessed via
executable code running from firmware.
COM 1 & COM 2: The logical names of the two serial ports available on IBM PC
computers (if the computer is so equipped.)
CSQ: Abbreviation for Carrier Squelch. See definition for Carrier
90 Glossary