B. The WRITE function
The WRITE function is used to program the radio, using the current radio personality data.
The radio personality data may have come from disk, been read from the radio, or been
created using the RSS.
Before programming can begin, the radio must first be connected through a radio interface
box (RIB) to the IBM PC, and turned on. Refer to Figure 4 and Section III-C for
interconnection information.
The write-to-radio process consists of two parts. In the first part, the radio personality file
(RPF) is converted into codeplug(s) for the radio. During this phase, several process/status
messages are displayed in the message window. These messages are of no interest unless
an error is encountered during the conversion process.
In the second part of the write process, the codeplug(s) generated by the conversion process
are transferred to the radio. In the case of a SABER I radio, only one codeplug is generated
and written to the radio; in all other radio models, three codeplugs are generated.
Before conversion and programming begins, the RSS will prompt you to make sure that the
current radio personality matches the radio to be programmed. This is normally
accomplished by comparing the model number displayed by the RSS with the model number
on the radio. Make sure the radio is not in scan mode before proceeding.
The RSS will also prompt you to select the source for radio alignment data. The radio
alignment data may come from the RPF (F2), or the radio about to be programmed (F6).
Using SHIFT - F6 the RSS will also extract the unit ID from the radio. For additional
information on this subject, see the "Extraction" section on the following page.
For some radio models, the RSS will request that the radio be placed in the "programming"
mode. To accomplish this:
1. Turn the radio off.
2. Press the MENU, SELECT, and ENTER keys simultaneously and hold them down.
3. Turn the radio on and release the three keys.
4. Check that the radio now displays "ERR X YZ" ("X YZ" will normally be "1 00")
For other models, the radio will be automatically placed in the "programming" mode by the
RSS. In this case, the display will change to "ERR X YZ," and the battery annunciator will
blink. This is normal operation, and does not indicate that the battery is low.
During the radio programming process, the RSS will display information about the
component being programmed, and a graphic indicator of the percent of programming
completed. Figure 15 shows a typical screen for programming a radio with display (SABER II
or III). In Figure 15, the "CORE" is the transceiver microprocessor and the "COPE" is the
display microprocessor. In SABERI radios there is no display processor, so the messages
for programming the COPE will not appear.
Get/Save/Program Codeplug Data 39