All Radio Service Software keyboard commands are summarized in this section. The F1 HELP
function also provides keyboard information. From any screen, you may view this list by pressing
F1 (HELP) and then press F2 (KEYBOARD HELP).
F1: Help Information
F2 - F8: Execute Labeled Function
F10: Return to the PREVIOUS Menu
ESC: Return to the MAIN Menu
TAB (or ENTER) : Advance Cursor to Next Data Field
Shift TAB: Backup Cursor to Last Data Field
UP / DOWN Arrow Keys: Increment / Decrement Value or Selection
PGUP/PGDN: Increase the Increment / Decrement Speed
LEFT / RIGHT Arrow: Move Cursor Within Data Field
INSERT: Insert Space at Current Cursor Position
BACKSPACE: Erase Data Within Field & Move Cursor Left
DELETE: Erase Current Character
HOME: Move Cursor To Upper Left Data Field
END: Move Cursor To Lower Right Data Field
PAGE UP / PAGE DN: Change Displayed Page
Appendix - 2. Keyboard Commands 69