Function Key Descriptions:
F2 Print Channel Information Form - This function creates a hard copy of the
information entered in the Channel Information Screen: channel name, zone name,
TX / RX frequencies, TX / RX codes, emergency, etc...
F3 Print Auto Dial Form - This function key creates a hard copy of information entered
in the Auto Dial Form providing information on phone number, person called, access
and hangup codes, and which zone and channel each number corresponds to.
F4 Print Radio Options - This function key creates a hard copy of Radio Options
available. For a copy of Radio Option Descriptions, make a hard copy of the
Appendix A-5 which gives detailed descriptions on each available option.
F5 Print Selectable PL- This function creates a hard copy of the information entered in
the Selectable PL screen, listing the PL codes and names for which each PL Code
F6 Print Scan lists - This function creates a hard copy of the information entered in the
Scan list screen providing information on a scan list with priority channels, designated
transmit channel, and non-priority channels if appropriate.
66 Print Radio Personality