2. Power Level
Four different power levels can be adjusted in the SABER radio - the low, medium, high, and
special power levels. (Each channel in the radio can have unique power level assignments
made on the Radio Channel Information screen described in Section VIII-C. ) Note that the
standard low and high power settings for UHF are 2.0W to 5.0W respectively, and for VHF
the power settings are 2.5W to 6.0W respectively. Even though these are the standard
settings, you can set the power levels to any value up to the maximum setting allowed. Note
that you can set both the low and high power levels to the same value if you wish, which
allows both settings to have either a low power setting, a high power setting, or any power
level up to the maximum level allowed.
Use the ENTER key to select the power setting you wish to adjust: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH,
or SPECIAL. Once you have selected the appropriate power level, (the selected power level
setting will be highlighted in inverse video), follow the procedure given below. When aligning
the Power Level, you can check the power output during the alignment process or in "real
time." You do not have to reprogram the radio to see the immediate power change.
(a) Follow the Setup Procedure in Section VI-A, Fig. 8.
(b) Before aligning the power level, select the proper TOGGLE POWER BIAS with the F7
function key according to the table below:
Select Power Bias High: Select Power Bias Low:
> 2 W. for High power radios < 2 W. for High power radios
> 1 W. for Low power radios < 1 W. for Low power radios
(c) Choose a channel with a frequency as close to the center of the band as possible, or the
center frequency of the radio to be aligned. Set the radio to that channel.
(d) Connect the RF BNC connector to an RF power meter.
(e) Key up the radio and measure the RF power.
(f) De-key the radio and use the arrow keys to adjust the power to the desired power
setting. The UP arrow key (or PGUP) will increase the power level setting value if the
measured power is lower than the desired value while the DOWN arrow key (or PGDN)
will decrease the power level value if the measured power is higher than the desired
(g) Re-key the radio and measure the output power.
(h) Repeat the procedure until the power level is at the desired level.
(i) Check power output at the band edges (by going to the channel closest to the band
edges) to ensure that you meet the power requirements at those frequencies. If required,
return to the center frequency and adjust the power so that you meet the requirement
across the band.
Once you have completed one of the power level setting adjustments, select the other power
level setting and repeat the above procedure to obtain the desired power setting.
24 Servicing the Radio