While scanning, all non-priority channels have equal status. That is, once activity is
detected on a non-priority channel, the scanning of other non-priority channels is stopped
until carrier is dropped. The radio will continue to scan priority one and priority two however.
If activity is detected on either of the priority channels, the radio will drop the non-priority
channel and begin monitoring the priority channel.
Priority one is the highest priority entry on the list. The radio will monitor activity on this
channel at all times. When the radio detects activity on the priority one channel, scan will
monitor the priority one channel exclusively, until carrier is dropped and then it will resume
normal scan.
Priority two is the second highest priority on the list. When the radio detects activity on the
priority two channel, but not on the priority one channel, scan will move to the priority two
channel, but continue to monitor the priority one channel. When carrier is dropped on the
priority two channel, scan will resume as normal.
Note: If MDC is enabled with Scan and a priority channel is set to be scanned or the
radio is equipped with a priority scan encryption module, DOS Muting will not
work properly.
The designated transmit channel defines the zone/channel combination that the radio will
transmit on whenever the PTT switch is pressed while the current list is being scanned.
Function Key Descriptions
F4 Delete Scan list - The Delete Scan list function will delete the present scan list
being modified or created including all data present.
F5 Print - This print function will make a hard copy of the Scan list menu.
F6 Delete Entry - The Delete Entry function will delete the entry where the cursor is
positioned. If you delete a non-priority channel in the middle of a non-priority scan
list , then each entry after the deleted entry will be moved up one position.
Change/Create/View Radio Personality 63