Multiple Repeater Access Codes - MDC 600
Selecting this option allows you to treat the RAT switches as MDC (600) repeater access
devices. The radio can have a maximum of 8 track-moded repeater IDs. Each of the RATs can be
tied to a single tone or MDC. The MDC IDs for repeater access can be entered in a pop-up
window upon selection of this option. The valid range of the IDs is from 0000 - 9999. This option
is incompatible with unit ID MDC (PTT) options requiring MDC 1200 (H959/H962/H967/H946),
and also with H742.
If you select this option, the following options will be enabled :
H619 - Omit MDC side Tones
H770 - MDC Pretime Delay - 300 ms
H771 - MDC Pretime Delay - 700 ms
H779 - MDC Non-standard Pretime Delay
Multiple Repeater Access Codes - MDC 1200
Selecting this option allows you to treat the RAT switches as MDC (1200) repeater access
devices. The radio can have a maximum of 8 track-moded repeater IDs. Each of the RATs can be
tied to a single tone or MDC. The MDC IDs for repeater access can be entered in a pop-up
window upon selection of this option. The valid range of the IDs is from 0000 - 9999. This option
is incompatible with unit ID MDC (PTT) options requiring MDC-1200 (H958/H961/H963/H923),
and also with H742.
If you select this option, the following options will be enabled :
H619 - Omit MDC side Tones
H770 - MDC Pretime Delay - 300 ms
H771 - MDC Pretime Delay - 700 ms
H779 - MDC Non-standard Pretime Delay
H549 - 8D Master Option (Advanced STATALERT)
Selecting this option will give you access to MDC Decode Features that are available to Saber
radios possessing a Pass 8D Core and using MDC-1200 signalling. Options incompatible with
this feature are Quik Call, Single Tone and any MDC-600 feature. Some Pass 6D options are
also common to the Pass 8D radio. These include: Zero Audio Enable, Timed Auto Reset, Auto
Reset Carrier Override.
If you select this option, the following options will be enabled:
Zero Audio Enable
Remote Monitor
MDC-1200 Call Alert
MDC-1200 Individual Selective Call
MDC-1200 Group Selective Call
Radio CheckThis feature allows a dispatcher the means to determine if a radio is on and operational via an
RF command. Radio check is automatically enabled for a pass 8D radio and can be used
provided a valid MDC unit ID exists in the radio. MDC decode must be enabled on the channel
that the radio check command was issued in order to work correctly.
Radio InhibitThis feature allows a dispatcher the means to render a radio “dead” via an RF command. The
radio can be “brought back to life” by issuing a cancel radio inhibit command or by
reprogramming the radio with the RSS. Radio inhibit is automatically enabled for a pass 8D rado
and can be used provided a valid MDC unit ID exists in the radio. MDC decode must be enabled
on the channel that the radio inhibit command was issued in order to work correctly.
82 Appendix - 5. Options List and Definitions