Other values for the Battery Save Squelch level may be selected with the RSS. The squelch
values can range from $00 to $0F where $00 is the minimum squelch setting.
(d) To ensure the radio is in the battery save Mode, wait until the radio unmutes at carrier
and wait the proper dwell time before injecting a signal at the specific level for testing. If
this time is not accounted for, then you may still be in dwell mode. Dwell mode can
range from approximately 5 to 8 seconds.
(e) Use the UP/DOWN or PGUP/PGDN arrow keys to increase/decrease these values.
(f) Reprogram radio if finished with ALL alignment functions.
5. Audio Processing
This adjustment sets the volume level at which the audio processing filter will cut in to cause
a roll-off of audio frequencies below 1kHz. The audio processing filter is a high pass filter
with a high frequency corner at 1kHz. When this audio processing filter kicks in, audio that
would normally be distorted at high volume levels becomes more intelligible or audible.
When aligning Audio Processing, you will not be able to test the audio level until you
reprogram the radio first. In order to align this parameter follow the steps below:
(a) Follow the Setup Procedure in Section VI-A.
(b) First determine at what level you wish to set the volume level to meet radio environment .
(c) A nominal level to begin testing is at $C0, where levels below $C0 have regular audio,
and levels above $C0 enables the audio processing filter. The system default value is
$FF to disable audio processing, and $EB is the maximum value to enable audio
processing. The valid range for aligning is $00 - $FF ( or 0 - 255).
(d) Use the UP/DOWN or PGUP/PGDN arrow keys to increase/decrease these values.
(e) Reprogram radio if finished with ALL alignment functions.
6. Sidetone Volume
This parameter controls the sidetone volume level. Its value ranges from $00 to $FF in steps
of 1. To see the effect of the change, the radio must first be reprogrammed.
(a) Follow the setup procedure in Section VI-A, Fig. 8.
(b) Determine the sidetone volume level desired and use the UP/DOWN or PGUP/PGDN
arrow keys to increase/decrease the level.
(c) Reprogram radio if finished with ALL alignment functions.
26 Servicing the Radio