There are numerous versions of models for the SABER radio. The three basic models are the
SABER I, SABER II, and SABER III. All radio models follow the generic model number listed
below with each variable explained following.
1. When the field 'a' = 4 then Power = High
'a' = 3 then Power = Low
2. When the field 'b' = 2 then Band = Mid-Band
'b' = 3 then Band = VHF
'b' = 4 then Band = UHF
3. When the field 'cc' = SA then the radio is a standard portable
'cc' = QX then the radio has voice privacy
'cc' = YB then the radio is submersible
'cc' = YX then the radio is submersible with voice privacy
4. When the field 'd' = N then no keypad
'd' = J then Display II is present (3 button keypad )
'd' = K then Display III is present (full keypad)
'd' = G then SABER IE (Talkaround or two zone, no display)
5. When the field 'e' = 7 then CORE = Binary (U.S. models)
'e' = 9 then CORE = TONE (International models)
6. When the field 'f' = 1 then radio = wide band
'f' = 5 then radio = 12.5 or narrow band (Int'l models)
7. When the field 'g' = 0 then radio is 10 channel capable (Int'l models)
'g' = 3 then radio is 12 channel capable
8. When the field 'h' = 9 (Model variation)
Appendix - 4. SABER Models 71