Sending a Text Message
You can create and send a text message to one or more
recipients. The text message feature lets you manually enter each
recipient’s phone number, or select one or more numbers from
the phonebook or recent calls lists.
Note: When you manually enter multiple phone numbers in the
To field, you must insert a space between each number. Press
and hold 1 to insert a space as needed.
Reply Open a new text message, with the
message’s Reply To number in the To
Forward Open a copy of the text message, with an
empty To field.
Lock/Unlock Lock or unlock the message.
Store Number Open a new phonebook entry with the
message’s embedded number in the No.
Delete All
Delete the message or all inbox messages.
Press Yes (L) to confirm the deletion.
Create Message Open a new text message form.
Setup Open the inbox setup menu.
Find the Feature
M > Messages
M > Create Message
Option Description