Recent Calls
You can use the recent calls menu to view received calls or dialed
calls, retrieve the last number stored in the notepad, and view or
reset call times and costs.

Viewing the Received Calls or Dialed

Calls List

Your phone keeps lists of the numbers from calls you recently
received and dialed, even if the calls did not connect. The lists
are sorted from newest to oldest entries. The oldest entries are
deleted as new ones are added. Each entry tells you the person’s
number (or name, if available) and whether the call connected or
not. You can call, store, or delete the numbers on these lists.
Shortcut: Press N to go directly to the dialed calls list from
the idle display.
To open the recent calls menu:
Find the Feature
M> Recent Calls
Press To
K scroll to Received Calls or
Dialed Calls
SELECT (J) select Received Calls or
Dialed Calls
K scroll to an entry you want to call,
store, or delete
Note: < means the call connected.