Phonebook Storing a Phonebook Entry
A phone number is required for a phonebook entry. All other
information is optional.
You can store a phonebook entry on your phone or on the
SIM card. Entries with a speed dial number from 1 to 500 are
stored on the phone. To store a phonebook entry on your SIM
card, assign a speed dial number of 501 or higher to the entry
when you create it. The total number of entries you can store on
the SIM card is dependent on your service provider.
Shortcut: Enter a phone number in the idle display, then press
STORE (J) to create a phonebook entry with the number in the
No. field. Go directly to step 1 in the following procedure to
enter additional information and store the entry.
Note: You can also use the following procedure to store a fixed
dial entry by scrolling to and selecting Fixed Dial.

Enter Information

Find the Feature
M > Phonebook
M > New
Press To
CHANGE (J) select Name
keypad keys enter a name for the phonebook
entry (see “Entering Text” on
page 60)
OK (J) store the name
CHANGE (J) select No.