alert type, selecting 141
alert, creating 142–147
answer options 79
answering 26, 27, 32
answering with rotator
closed 27
answering with rotator open
barring 164
call waiting 51
calling card 49
canceling 46
cost setup 78
costs 92–93
credit limit 78
deleting 86–88
dialed calls list 50, 86–88
dialing 25
dialing a recent call 86–88
emergency number 45
ending 25
hold 55
ignoring 46
in-call timer 77–78
placing 25
prefix digits, inserting 48
received calls list 50, 86–88
receiving 26, 27, 32
receiving with rotator closed
receiving with rotator open
recent calls 86–88
storing 86–88
talk then fax 159
terminating 46
timing 90
transferring 53–54
unanswered call 44
call barring 164
call cost information 92–93
Call Failed message 42
call forwarding
defined 148
status, checking 149–150
using 148–149
call timers
described 90
resetting 91
viewing 91
call waiting
activating/deactivating 79
using 51
caller ID
incoming calls 43
outgoing calls 78, 88
calling card call 49
calling line identification.
caller ID