Menu Feature Descriptions
Call Cost Setup
M > Settings
> In-Call Setup
> Call Cost Setup
Adjust call cost settings.
You can assign a credit limit so that your phone displays
your remaining credit during calls. Your phone notiļ¬es you
when you approach your limit, and ends the call when you
reach it.
Your phone network expresses cost in the amount of units
used, but this feature lets you tell your phone how to
translate the units to a currency.
My Caller ID
M > Settings
> In-Call Setup
> My Caller ID
Activate and deactivate the display of your phone
number as an ID when you call someone.
Total Cost Display the cost of all calls
since the last time you reset
the timer (if you subscribe to
a call cost option or
Credit Available Display how much credit you
have left (if you subscribe to a
call cost option or
Off No in-call timer display