Recent Calls
Delete All Delete all entries in the current list.
Hide ID/Show ID Hide (or show) your caller ID for the next
Send Message Create a new text message, with the
selected number in the Tel No. field. See
“Sending a Text Message” on page 124.
Add Digits Add digits to the end of the selected
Attach Number Attach another number from the
phonebook or recent calls list to the end of
the selected number.
Send Tones Send the selected number to the network
as DTMF tones, for credit card calling or
password entry. (This option is available
only during an active call.)
To activate DTMF tones, see the “DTMF”
item on page 83.
Talk then Fax Tell the network you want to call and talk
to someone, and then send a fax—all to
the same number in the same call. See
“Sending a Talk then Fax Call” on
page 159.
Option Description